


The legendary leadership academy message has been around for more than 30 years in one form or another. It started with the belief that there was a certain way to lead in life, that our founder, Ed Nicholls called “the right way”. That right way was less about actual leadership positions and more about how leaders behave in and around people. A leaders demeanor has an impact on the people around them.

Over the years, as the message evolved, it included ideas about the qualities of great leaders and their legendary leadership stories. It’s original 8 qualities of great leaders has grown to include the 15 essential qualities of great leaders.

Ed eventually put together a homade booklet to distribute to his students at conferences and in the classrooms that he taught. This 15 page handout was the written form of his message for the last 10 years. Now, thanks to Ed’s partners at Itty Bitty Publishing, you can buy a paperback or electronic version of the Anazing Itty Bitty Legendary Leadership Academy Handbook of your very own.

The condensed size will allow you to read and comprehend the message quickly and keep it with you always as you continue to grow in your leadership journey. This book is designed to inspire hope and motivate you to become your best self and live your greatest life!